Sunday 11 July 2010

Weekend Review: Gilcrest

I was a bit hungover this morning after staying on at Seven (see previous post) and putting away a few glasses of wine...oopsy! We thought a bacon sandwich would do the trick so popped up to Gilcrest to get a butty. As I walked in I was greeted with a huge selection of home made can a girl refuse. I spotted a bakewell slice and asked the girl behind the counter for this...unfortunately she told me this wasn't a bakewell but an 'almondy type cake with jam in the middle.' It took all my might not to get on my cake filled high horse and tell her that this, in fact, was what a bakewell was...I kept my mouth shut though and agreed to have one of her almondy slices! She was not actually that wrong, it wasn't strictly a bakewell. Instead of the cake topping it was...wait for it...marzipan! It still had the pastry base and raspberry jam, but this marzipan topped with crispy chopped almonds was a delight! Oh my word...what an amazing thing this was. I desperately need sugar after a night of drinking (my other half swears by iron bru but I can't stomach it) so this was pure heaven.
So feeling rough, I sat down by the lake at Golden Acre Park (dog still needs walking, even if all I want to do is lie on my sofa and watch Come Dine With Me) and ate my exact words afterwards were: 'that cake made me soooo happy!'

EJ Gilcrest
4 Stainburn Parade
LS17 6NA

0113 2684255

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