Monday 5 July 2010

Birthday Cake: 2nd Birthday Snake Cake

It's my nephew's 2nd birthday tomorrow and i offered to make the cake! My sister made no. 1 for his 1st birthday...but a number two is slightly more difficult..why did i offer? So I've been worrying about it all day, mainly worrying that I'd cut it wrong and end up with loads of off cuts and no cake. But....I DID IT!!! Soooo happy!

Just made a normal sponge cake in a rectangular tin (not going to put the recipe's very simple...six oz of everything and 3 eggs!)
Then I took it every so carefully out of the tin and cut the two out after much deliberation about the best way to do it. Used a bowl to cut the top and free styled the rest...luckily it worked.

The decoration was next. Made a simple butter cream with icing sugar, butter and milk (hmm...healthy) and mixed, adding more of what i needed until it was nice and creamy and tasted yummy...added some green food colouring...and got going!

I then turned it into a snake with ready made writing icing and Smarties (bought some more today and managed not to eat them at my desk this afternoon)

...and hey presto...a 'number two snake cake'

Let's just hope it tastes yummy and doesn't scare the kids...I'll give you an update tomorrow!

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