Sunday 25 July 2010

Super Chocolatey Marble Cake

The other half was doing overtime this weekend so I was suitably bored! It was only 2pm and I'd already been to the park with the dog so thought instead of cleaning/napping/doing some other amazingly fun weekend activity, I should bake a cake. He likes marble cake too so with him doing lots of busy work I decided to make him (and myself) a yummy cake.
With marble cake it's normally half plain cake mixture and half with cocoa powder added...but this isn't chocolatey enough for my liking....i like to go that one step further! Here's the recipe....

4oz Sugar
4oz Margarine
4oz Self Raising Flour
2 eggs
1 tbsp Cocoa Powder
1 small bar of Milky Bar
1 small bar of Dairy Milk

1. Beat together the sugar and butter until light and fluffy
2. Gradually beat in the eggs and flour bit by bit
3. Separate the mixture into two bowls
4. Break up your Dairy Milk (go on, have a piece for yourself) and melt either in a bowl over a pan of hot water or for a couple of minutes in the microwave (keep an eye on it if doing it in the microwave though as it can burn quite easily)...add the melted chocolate to one half of your mixture and stir in the cocoa powder
5. Melt the Milky Bar in the same way and mix into the other half of the mixture
6. Grease a round cake tin and add blobs of both the mixture in a random pattern until all the tin is filled
7. Even out the mixture with a knife and then take a kebab stick (is that the technical term?) and from the outside in do a big swirl round of the mixture
8. Cook on Gas Mark 4 for about 20 minutes or until cooked through
9. Take the cake out of the tin and allow to cook on a wire rack
10. If you like you can buy and extra bar of chocolate, melt it, and cover the top of the cake in it! Yum! I had this intention, but we just couldn't wait...and started on the cake!

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