Saturday 3 July 2010

Hello Cake Lovers!!

Welcome to my new cake blog!! I should start with a bit more detail about why I'm always banging on about cakes really...
I all started as a child, baking with my mum and my Grannie. Peppermint creams where my obsession...probably with them being the easiest thing ever to make and could do this almost alone (for a bit)! This all ended rather abruptly when after getting on a chair to reach up into the top cupboard to get the peppermint essence, i knocked the red food colouring all over my mums new cream carpet...I was I trouble :(
So the baking eased i was very clumsy and couldn't be trusted...and it just became a birthday/Christmas event.
Baking took a back seat for many years...not cool to bring a bloomin' baked alaska to a teenage party...and I forgot about those yummy times...until CAKE FRIDAYS came along!
Started my new job a year ago and quickly we decided that on Fridays, around 3:30pm, we needed cake. After sampling the many ones from the supermarket next door, i thought 'hang on...hang on one minute there cake lovers...I can bake' so since then I've been trying to provide my lovely co-workers with a delicious cakey treat every week...and also for every birthday (generally birthdays are on a pink and sparkly theme though...luckily a female dominated office)
So there we go...that's me!

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