Saturday 7 August 2010

Kendal Calling!!

We went to Kendal Calling last weekend so didn't get any chance to do any baking. It was a fab festival, near Penrith in the Lakes District and me and the other half had a great time. With it being quite small there weren't that many 'big acts' playing so it was great just wandering between the different stages and finding out about some new music...not to mention eating AMAZING food. I know this is a cake i do feel a bit naughty, but we sampled some food from the Seychelles (yeah, not what i expected at a festival either) and it was sooooo good. I had the coconut chicken curry all three days for my tea and am still desperately trawling the internet to find a recipe! Enough about the savouries anyway....
What really got me through the weekend was a lovely little organic 'cafe' which sold coffee/cakes/cereals...all organic and all solar powered...i felt so very green! the hazelnut lattes were to die for and they had a great little selection of cakes.

The staff were so lovely and didn't look at me too strangely as i rocked up in my wellies, hair all over the place, sunglasses on (it was people not sleep at festivals?).
I didn't get much cake eaten though (probably too full from all the curry) although i did have a delicious slice of tiffin which inspired me to make some when i got home (will put the recipe up next)
All in all we had a great weekend and I'm looking forward to going back next year...unless I've moved to the Seychelles. :)

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