Saturday 7 August 2010

Birthday Cake: 30th Birthday

Another cake order yey!! This time is was a friend who's husband was turning 30. The spec this time was that she wanted it in the shape of a 3 and an 0 (which did panic me slightly) and she wanted it chocolate flavour. It turned out really well, another happy customer. I was more nervous doing this one with it being the first one for an adult...but she loved it, yippeee!

I made it by making a basic cake mix, but adding a couple of tablespoons of cocoa and a small bar of melted chocolate to the mix. This was distributed into one rectangular greased tin and two circular greased tins.
I made a buttercream, but again added cocoa and then got on with the decoration. The rectangular cake was cut into two and sandwiched together with some of the icing, then cut into the shape of a three. The circular cakes were also sandwiched together with some of the icing, a hole was cut in the middle and then it was trimmed so it was a similar size to the three.
Then I covered each cake completely in the chocolate icing and decorated it with Caramel Nibbles (have you tried these? Amazing), chocolate buttons, grated white chocolate and a touch if edible glitter.

VoilĂ !!

Apologies about the attractive presentation of the cake i.e. the oven dish...none of my cake tins have been returned yet...need to get myself some cake boxes.

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