Tuesday 17 August 2010

Birthday Cake: Chocolate Cake for Dad!

It was my dads birthday yesterday and we had a lovely day! I offered to make a cake (my mum is very happy now i 'do cakes') and thought you can't go wrong with a chocolate cake. My dad was diagnosed with diabetes a few months ago so i should have made a no sugar/no fat/no taste cake, but i thought he could have a little slice...what harm can it do (apart from make him sneeze...i have no idea why but he now sneezes every time he has sugar! Weird!)

Here's the recipe:

6oz Butter
6oz sugar
6oz Self Raising Flour
3 Eggs (beaten)
Dash of milk
2 Tbsp Cocoa
Small bar of Dairy Milk

1. Beat together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy
2. Gradually stir in the flour, cocoa and eggs
3. Stir in the milk
4. Melt the bar of chocolate, keeping one piece to one side, and stir into the cake mixture
5. Grease two round tins and pour in the mixture, spread out with a knife
6. Cook on Gas Mark 5 for 20 minutes
7. Take out of the tins and place on a wire rack until cool

You can then decorate however you like! I made a butter cream icing and added cocoa to make it nice and chocolatey, then spread it all around the cake. I then grated my remaining piece of chocolate and some Milky Bar over the top and then gave it a little sprinkling of edible glitter!

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